St.Martin of Tours,
Chelsfield, Kent

© 2024 Chelsfield PCC
Charity Number 1131573

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A Pilgrimage


Save Our Spire - A Pilgrimage

From 5th to 10th May I’ll be walking from St Martin’s Chelsfield to St Martin’s Canterbury along the Pilgrims Way and North Downs Way. I’ll be walking nearly 70 miles in 6 days and, although that’s not very extreme, I’m not as young as I was so it will be a challenge!  I’m hoping that people will sponsor me to keep me going and any sponsorship I receive will be split between the Spire Appeal and Christian Aid.

The Spire Appeal is a cause very close to my heart, as I first came to St. Martin’s to learn to ring the bells directly underneath it. Some of those bells are now 350 years old and are threatened by water ingress from the big holes the wretched parakeets have made in the spire.  As tower captain and churchwarden I have a duty to do what I can to protect them.  Our church has supported Christian Aid for many years and it’s their annual fundraising week  from 12-18 May.  A group of us used to take part in a sponsored walk they organised every year around the City of London. Sadly they’re not running that event any more, so I’m doing my own sponsored walk a week early.

I’m hoping that some people will come and join me along the way, either in person or in spirit. You could see me off after the morning service at St Martin’s on Sunday 5th May, walk with me for part or all of a day (or more than one day!), join me for lunch en route, or join me at one of the pilgrim churches I hope to visit on the way.  

Here’s a summary of each day with links to Ordnance Survey maps showing the proposed route:

Sunday 5th May Chelsfield to Wrotham – 12 miles

Lunch at Otford.  Churches: Well Hill Mission, Shoreham (SS Peter & Paul), Otford (St Bartholomew), Wrotham (St George)

Route detail on OS:

Bank Holiday Monday 6th MayWrotham to Rochester Cathedral – 13 miles

Lunch near Halling.  Churches: Wrotham (St George), Trottiscliffe (SS Peter & Paul), Cuxton (St Michael & All Angels), Rochester Cathedral

Route detail on OS:

Tuesday 7th MayRochester Cathedral to Detling – 10.5 miles

Lunch at Burham Common.  Churches: Rochester Cathedral, Boxley (SMV & All Saints), Detling (St Martin of Tours)

Route detail on OS:

Wednesday 8th MayDetling to Charing – 12.5 miles

Lunch at Lenham.  Churches: Detling (St Martin of Tours), Thurnham (St Mary), Hollingbourne (All Saints), Harrietsham (St John the Baptist), Lenham (St Mary), Charing (SS Peter & Paul)

Route detail on OS:

Thursday 9th MayCharing to Chilham – 11 miles

Lunch at Boughton Lees.  Churches: Charing (SS Peter & Paul), Westwell (St Mary), Boughton Aluph (All Saints), Chilham (St Mary)

Route detail on OS:

Friday 10th MayChilham to St Martin’s Church, Canterbury – 8 miles

Lunch in Canterbury.  Churches: Chilham (St Mary), Harbledown (St Michael & All Angels), Canterbury (St Dunstan), Canterbury (St Peter), Canterbury Cathedral, Canterbury (St Martin of Tours)

Route detail on OS:

All lunch venues are tbc at the moment, and access to churches on route is being worked out - come back here regularly for updates.  Alternatively a small team have very kindly offered to help co-ordinate walkers and supporters, so if you’d like to find out how to join or meet me please email them at

Although the Pilgrimage is now complete its not too late to donate. If you’d like to sponsor me there’s a link below to the fundraising page for the event.  Philippa Rooke

Please donate here:

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