St.Martin of Tours,
Chelsfield, Kent

© 2024 Chelsfield PCC
Charity Number 1131573

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General Giving Appeal

For many years St Martin’s has been blessed by the support it has received from congregation, friends and the wider community for God’s work. The Covid-19 situation from 2020 and recent high inflation has affected us all and the church hasn’t been immune from its consequences.

Obviously this led to a significant reduction in our income. We’ve made every effort to cut our expenditure, both the day to day expenses and putting on hold larger works during the last 3 years. With current record inflation we are once again looking at a loss as we move into 2024.  The Clergy, Treasurer & Churchwardens are all really concerned at the way our finances are looking and are grateful for all your support.

In 2020 - 23 your generous donations, including associated gift aid, allowed us to minimise our losses. We are now having to move forward on our delayed  urgent Spire Works in 2024. Our General income As we have moved through 2023 the situation has not significantly improved your continued support is greatly appreciated.

If there’s anything you’d like to discuss with me please email us or give us a ring, or you could speak to the Treasurer or one of the Churchwardens. All the details for this are on our ‘Contact Us’ page.

You can donate in the following ways:

Regular giving – set up a Standing Order with your bank to give the church a set amount each month, or once a year. It’s simple and safe, and the church will benefit from all of the money, as it doesn’t incur the administration costs of online giving.

One-off donation – if you’re not able to commit to giving something each month, but you’d like to make a donation to help us at this difficult time, you can -


Make a bank transfer - to the church bank account

To set up a standing order or make a one-off donation by bank transfer, please email and we’ll send you more details. [We hope you will understand that, given the proliferation of scammers, we are reluctant to publish our bank details.]

Donate online - via GiveALittle via the Blue ‘Donate’ button below. The provider deducts a small admin charge but you can still Gift Aid your donation.

Send us a cheque - to The Rector or Treasurer - contact Details

Giving in cash –  either through the collection plate or the brown & blue Free Will Offering envelopes available in church for you to donate cash. Please place in the donations bowl (on the table in the church by the entrance and exit).

By ‘online’ donation

You can donate ‘online’ through a link to a secure website operated by ‘GiveaLittle’ - just click the Donate button.   This is Ideal for ‘one off’ donations and you can still add Gift Aid if you pay tax.Donate

Christian Aid

Christian Aid has been one of the main charities supported by St Martin’s for many years and we would like to try to continue to raise a good sum of money again for them this year, 2023.

The work of Christian Aid

As most will know, Christian Aid focuses on the world’s needy, being involved in programmes addressing famine relief, refugees, climate change and tax justice. Their focus for this year’s appeal is climate change. In their materials they say:

This climate crisis hurts us all. But people living in poverty fight the worst of it every day.

From drought to flooding, climate change robs people of control over their lives. Extreme weather means people are struggling to survive without a reliable source of water.

Your gift could help a community build an earth dam, so when the rains do come, they will have the water they need to live. A reliable source of water will help families withstand long drought or relentless rainstorms.

We hope you may feel able to support Christian Aid  this year.– all donations help, however large or small.

You can donate in the following ways:

Online - at our ‘GiveALittle’ page for Christian Aid , using the following link .


By bank transfer

Please email and we will send you the bank account details. [we hope you will understand that, given the proliferation of scammers, we are reluctant to publish our bank details]

By cheque

If neither of the above options is suitable for you, please contact the Hon.Treasurer at , who will be able to tell you where to send a cheque.