St.Martin of Tours,
Chelsfield, Kent

© 2024 Chelsfield PCC
Charity Number 1131573

follow us on FACEBOOK



Sunday Services at St.Martin’s
Sun 28 July 2024
9th Sunday after Trinity

10am Morning Worship
6.30pm Choral Evensong

Well Hill: 10am Holy Communion

The 10 am service on the 1st Sunday of each month will be live streamed. Click the (link) to view the recording.

Support Us
To give a one-off online
secure general donation click here:

For other ways to give to St.Martins and Supported Charities visit our Giving  page here


As a church we take our safeguarding responsibilities seriously and the PCC is committed to ensuring that our church and hall spaces are safe places for all.  For more information and the details of our Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO), please see our Parish Safeguarding Policy. Alternatively visit the safeguarding pages on our Diocesan website for additional resources. 
However, if you or someone you are concerned about is in immediate danger, please call the police on 999”

Click ‘Spire Appeal’ above for further information

About Us:

Annual PCC & Vestry Meeting Reports:

Christenings, Weddings & Funerals:

Church Magazine:

Churchyard & Memorials:

Contact Us:

Electoral Roll 2024 & PCC:

Foodbank  22 July 2024:

Fund Raising Events, Concert, Cream teas & Fete

Giving Appeals &  Christian Aid Giving:


Letter for the Month:

Memory Cafe: Next event 5 August 2024

Messy Church:  Next event 20 July 2024

Pictures & Church guide:

Room Bookings:


Services & Worship:

Social, Fete & Charity Events:

Spire Appeal’:

St.Mary’s and All Souls website and events:

Study Groups:

Toddler Group:

Useful Links:

War Memorial - behind the names:

Well Hill:             

Well Hill Tritones Concert 17 August

Facebook Services:
If you are unable to view any of our Facebook services through our website, please go directly to our Facebook page:

Link to: Expanded Church Calendar

St.Martins Facebook Pages (Larger Version)

By viewing our website your IP address, browser details, times of visits, etc. may be logged and used for statistical purposes, network security and fraud prevention. This helps us to monitor how effectively the site is working. Be assured that we never profile normal visitors to the site or invasively monitor them. The statistical data may  be used by ourselves and also by our website provider to help provide the service. The legal basis for processing this information is Legitimate Interest.

Weekday Prayers - John Sargant & Val Hemmings are now broadcasting live weekday  prayers on Tuesdays and Thursday at 8.15am on our Facebook page:.

Forthcoming Events

Sat 27 Jul 10am Guided Summer Walk

Sat 3 Aug  9 - 11am Churchyard Working Party

Sun 4 Aug  CANCELLED - Cream Teas -
                                                         Rectory Garden

Mon 5 Aug 2pm-4pm Memory Cafe - Crosby Rm

Sat 17 Aug 3pm Tritones Concert - Well Hill

'Spire Appeal'